8–9 Jul 2024
IET London: Savoy Place
Europe/London timezone

The sunset of port-43 Whois in the gTLD space

9 Jul 2024, 16:15
Riverside Room (IET London: Savoy Place)

Riverside Room

IET London: Savoy Place

2 Savoy Place London WC2R 0BL What3Words: ///actual.almost.fantastic https://savoyplace.theiet.org/
Standard Presentation Main Session NetUK1


Mr Gavin Brown (ICANN)


Whois has been an essential part of the network engineer's toolkit since the 1980s, as it provides access to information about domain names, IP address allocations and autonomous system numbers.

However, from January 2025, gTLD registries and registrars will no longer be required to operate a port-43 whois service. This may have an impact on anyone or anything that depends on Whois.

This presentation will describe (a) the timelines of events leading up to the Whois Sunset Date, (b) RDAP, the replacement for Whois, (c) the clients, tools and services available for RDAP, and (d) how to report problems with RDAP responses to the registry, registrar, and ICANN.

Talk Duration 25 Minutes Presentation (+5 Minutes Q&A)
Presentation delivery In-person at the meeting
Your consent for us to publish your name and affiliation as a Speaker on the NetUK website and Social Media Yes

Primary author

Mr Gavin Brown (ICANN)

Presentation materials