8–9 Jul 2024
IET London: Savoy Place
Europe/London timezone

Information for Speakers

Presentation Management

We use this Indico instance to manage presentation uploads. Speakers need to create an account to submit abstracts and upload slides. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with Indico before the submission deadline.

You upload your presentation by logging in then going to the "Speakers and Presentations" contributions list on Indico. Click the talk title against your name, then click on the pencil icon to the right of "Presentation Materials" - you will see a "Manage material" dialogue with an "Upload Files" option. Click this to upload your slides.

Your slides will default to public visibility on the meeting site as soon as they are uploaded. If you want to embargo your slides or keep the content confidential until you present, please ensure to select the "Private" access option in the upload form.

We require final slides to be uploaded at least one week before the start of the meeting.

Please e-mail the programme committee on pc AT lists.netuk.org confirming you have uploaded your slides successfully, or if you need help or have any special requirements.

Speaker Registration

Please use the same email address as your Indico login when registering for the meeting. This helps us tie your meeting registration with your Speaker slot.


The agenda will be published on Indico ahead of the event.

Speaking slots vary in length and include 5-10 minutes for questions. We will have a volunteer in your line of sight (for in-person presenters) who will show countdown flash-cards at 10, 5, 2 and 0 minutes before your question time starts, at the end of your talk. A volunteer will also help speakers presenting over the Internet manage their timing - this will be practiced during the technical rehersal.

Please let us know ASAP if your proposed slot would clash with your travel arrangements or availability, and we'll do what we can to accommodate. That said, events beyond our control sometimes force us to change speakers' slots on the day. We recommend you plan to attend for the whole day, and avoid attending only your scheduled speaker slot. Please let us know if this will be a problem.

Slide Format

Please ensure the first slide of your deck clearly includes the event name, your name, your affiliation, and the title of your talk. It is a good idea if you repeat the contents of this slide when you start.

Please upload your slides in both their original format, and as a PDF.

Please do not password-protect your slide deck files.

Please, if you can, also upload your slides in the format you wrote them in, eg PPTX, Keynote, ODP. This will ensure they are displayed correctly on the webcast video.

Logos on Slides

NetUK offers the below guidelines for the use of logos in slide decks:

  • Logo representing speaker's company or organisation, on the first and last slides.
  • Recognition logos to thank the speaker's sponsors or project partners on either the first or last slide.
  • Unobtrusive logos or copyright notices representing the speaker's organisation in slide footers.
  • Unobtrusive logos representing other products, companies, or projects are pemitted within the talk, where applicable to the content of the presentation. Speaker is reponsible for obtaining any necessary approval for the legal use of such logos.

Presentation Process

All slide uploads/formats will be copied to the presenter system, which should be able to display most slide file formats including animations natively. Remote presenters will be able to present from their own machines, but the meeting organisers will show your slides from their machine if there are any issues.

Presenter view will be available on the lectern, so you can use this to view your notes along with the next/previous slides.

We will drive the presenter platform remotely, so you should not need to worry about anything other than advancing your slides while speaking. Please ask during the break before your talk if you have any questions about this arrangement, or need any help with microphones, demos, or need to play audio and/or video as part of your presentation.

When presenting in-person, our webcast camera is fixed on the lectern, so we recommend that you stay behind it for the duration of your talk, and avoid moving around the stage.

Meeting Venue

We will have full connectivity to the meeting, with wireless access. We are limited to 200 attendees in the room. We expect to have around 60-80 attendees via webcast.

Remote Participation

Remote participant questions are solicited on the NetUK Slack instance. We encourage speakers to register an account, so that interested attendees can ask any questions that did not fit into the allotted Q&A session.

Available to the Public

NetUK expects that all materials for all talks will be publicly available. If your company or organisation does not allow you to publish slides, their source, and/or video of your presentation online to people outside of the room and virtual event, please let us know well in advance. We will do our best to accommodate your constraints. Note however that we cannot prevent any of our attendees from making or distrubuting their own recordings of any talks, and we will not take measures to enforce such restrictions.

NetUK meetings are webcast, which will be recorded for our public YouTube video archive. We do this via an application running on the presenter PC which creates a split-screen video feed of you as presenter and the current displayed slide.

NetUK meetings are open to all, and journalists may be in the audience. What you present and say could be quoted in the media.

Dress Code

NetUK does not enforce a dress code for presenters. Please dress in a way that would make you most comfortable as a presenter.

Thank you for supporting NetUK as a speaker!