8–9 Jul 2024
IET London: Savoy Place
Europe/London timezone

Secure by Design - Lessons from the nuclear industry

9 Jul 2024, 11:45
Riverside Room (IET London: Savoy Place)

Riverside Room

IET London: Savoy Place

2 Savoy Place London WC2R 0BL What3Words: ///actual.almost.fantastic https://savoyplace.theiet.org/
Standard Presentation Main Session NetUK1


Rob Barnes (Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd)


The UK has a long nuclear history stretching back to the late 1940s, when the world was a more innocent place and the worst we had to worry about was Soviet spies. Since then, there has been a proliferation of threats to nuclear safety and security, as well as the introduction of programmable electronics and computers into nuclear processes. Traditionally, the management of risks arising from the use of Operational Technology (OT) has fallen to IT and OT departments, and there has been little opportunity to tackle the process vulnerabilities giving rise to these risks.

Over the last decade, the industry has been steered by our regulator into adopting a "Secure by Design" approach to new nuclear facilities and major projects. This talk discusses what secure by design means to the UK nuclear industry (informed by Government-funded research undertaken by Rolls-Royce), how we are applying the principles to the design of the Rolls-Royce SMR, and lessons that we have learned along the way.


The practical application of Secure by Design to designing a nuclear power station, and lessons learned that can be applied in a general context to any large project with security requirements.

Talk Duration 25 Minutes Presentation (+5 Minutes Q&A)
Presentation delivery In-person at the meeting
Your consent for us to publish your name and affiliation as a Speaker on the NetUK website and Social Media Yes

Primary author

Rob Barnes (Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd)

Presentation materials